• Oil & Energy

    The oil and energy sector is a dynamic landscape influenced by factors such as energy policies, cost management strategies, geopolitics, and climate change.

    Volk Consulting’s role is multifaceted:

    Economic Models and Financial Solutions: They develop optimized economic models and financial solutions for projects across all stages (upstream, midstream, and downstream)

    CAPEX Optimization: Volk Consulting assists clients in enhancing the overall business value of CAPEX projects within the oil and energy industry. This goes beyond mere cost reduction to streamline project schedules and enable quicker market entry.

    Financial Modeling: They excel in financial modeling, helping clients and investors make informed decisions.

    Risk Management: Scenario and sensitivity analysis are used effectively to manage financial risks.

    Workshops: Volk Consulting conducts financial modeling and valuation workshops, providing practical experience based on real projects from the oil and gas and pharmaceutical sectors.

  • Life Science

    Investments in CAPEX projects within the pharmaceutical industry are on the rise.

    Volk Consulting assists clients in transitioning from a focus on merely reducing and avoiding CAPEX costs to enhancing the overall business value of a CAPEX project.

    The objective is to review and streamline the project schedule, enabling a quicker market entry.

  • Christian Volk

    Christian Volk, the beneficial owner of Volk Consulting, brings a wealth of expertise:

    Cost Management: His focus extends to cost control and estimation for pipeline and refinery projects.

    Benchmarking: He is recognized as a cost expert among the top 5 leaders in the oil and energy market.

    Global Perspective: With experience in the Asian market (Hong Kong, Singapore) and a broad understanding of the Middle East, Christian Volk approaches projects with a global perspective.

    Financial Certifications: He holds certifications in financial modeling, valuation, wealth management, and more.

    Business Value Enhancement: Beyond cost reduction, Christian Volk emphasizes enhancing overall business value. His approach benefits both investors and project stakeholders.

    Notable Projects: He has been involved in managing cost control and estimation for major pipeline and refinery projects in Saudi Arabia.